January 25, 2025
Equity VoiceRethinking Social Justice through gender and disability justice

Carol Wanjira wins the Wheelchair race in the First lady half marathon Third Edition 2016


The first lady half marathon is aimed at creating awareness and mobilizing resources to fund Beyond Zero activities especially the acquisition of mobile clinics that the initiative has been distributing to the devolved units.
So far, 36 counties have benefited from the fully kitted clinics with significant impact on maternal and child health at the grassroots, immunization programs and reduction of HIV/Aids infections. ‘The third edition of the first lady half marathon (FLHM 2016) took place on Sunday, March 6.2016 with massive turn out of athletes from all walks of life.

Access to maternal health is a great concern to the republic of Kenya. The development of a nation is highly dependent on maternal health of her population. Women with disabilities have a major challenge in accessing reproductive health services due to the inaccessible facilities in the healthcare center. This is manifested in high delivery beds, lack of information in accessible formats and negative attitude of health workers towards women with disabilities based on the myth that women with disabilities are asexual.


The third edition of first lady half marathon witnessed good participation of women with disabilities.Carol Wanjira won the 10km wheelchair race  in this years edition of first lady half marathon,in her own she has contributed to enhancing maternal health.As we endeavor to enhance improved maternal health.Our plea to the beyond zero secretariat is to ensure that women with disabilities can also access the services.

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